Software libraries are the building blocks with which new applications are created.
The libraries you see here are re-usable components from my desktop apps, online games and webapps.
If you are a software developer you may find these useful.
A JavaScript library for recording and recognising gestures made while holding a hand-held device.
Including a user-interface for recording gestures and an engine to recognise gestures from live motion data.
More info... Demo... Download... Versions... Including a user-interface for recording gestures and an engine to recognise gestures from live motion data.
LIMBs are Labels In the Map Border, and this JavaScript library brings those labels to Google Maps.
This extension to the Google Maps API allows you to track the location of places after they fall off the map.
More info... Demo... Download... Versions... This extension to the Google Maps API allows you to track the location of places after they fall off the map.
A Java library of low-level, fundamental utilities.
Including file & string manipulation as well as some basic GUI components.
More info... Download... Versions... Documentation... Including file & string manipulation as well as some basic GUI components.