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Babbitt-LA, On-line Tutorial
Before starting, it is important that you select the same data set that I have used to generate the tutorial. Otherwise, as you follow the subsequent sections, the results you obtain will not match those shown on this page.
Navigate to the Combination Search page.
Configure the Collation form to show the settings in the image below.
The Collation Form
The combination search tool is used to automatically search for combinations based on your choice of input data and rating system.

The tool finds the best combinations of the requested length. Use the pull-down menu to select a target combination length of either 3, 4, 5 or 6 balls.

The duration of the search will depend on the depth you specify. A shallow search (a value of 8 or less) will return results more quickly but may not be entirely accurate. A deeper search (values of 15 or more) may take a long time but will be more thorough.

The Search Combinations form The tool contains an option to control the number of combinations that are to be found. The tool is not guaranteed to find a full list of top combinations, if the tool returns an incomplete list you may need to increase the depth of search.

Editing the prediction behaviour In addition to the simple form there is an option to introduce the prediction scheme into the ratings. The prediction scheme uses past combination results to boost the rating of combinations that have not appeared frequently in the past. This scheme is not mathematically sound and is switched off by default.

Using the pull-down menu you can select whether to run the predictor after the top combinations have been found or before the search begins.
By running the predictor before the search you are searching for the best combinations using the most predicted balls. By running the predictor after the search you are asking which of the best combinations contain the most predicted balls.
It is important to note that the prediction scheme cannot be selected when using the standard rating because predictions go against the standard rating philosopy.

Search results An example output page from the search tool is shown on the right.
The top 4 ball combinations are listed alongside the associated ratings.

The search tool is quite simple to use once you understand how to apply an appropriate rating system. When you have found your top combinations it is generally a good idea to refine the search at least once to consolidate your findings - lengthening the search or altering the rating type.

This site owned, designed & maintained by Stephen Battey

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